Sunday, August 31, 2014

MERDEKA And Laughter

31 AUGUST. A significant day.

MERDEKA: Freedom

A fundamental belief that a human being has unique potentials for growth.
In goodness.
In grace.
In gifts.
In contribution to the community of other human beings
of diverse gifts, talents, beliefs, cultures and taste.

Freedom to nurture and promote and share this fundamental belief is the human birthright.

No DECENT HUMAN being will ever violate this birthright.

That decency, sadly, is at risk.

However there is still laughter.

There is this gift to see through the camouflages and deceits in laughter.

While waiting for self implosion of the actors that created the corruption of MERDEKA, let's look at the ridiculous that is done with a straight face.

The law of biometrics applies: corruption feeds on itself; its powers WILL destroy itself!

Lets celebrate that Life itself protects life.

Here is to laughter; to hope!

1 comment:

  1. In spite of the hopeless situation,
    I still see hope...
    and let's hope that good people
    will nourish other good people,
    and evil & the corrupt
    will nourish other evil & corrupt
    and they eventually feed on each other...
