Monday, October 31, 2011

What A Pleasure!

Here is beauty and wonder, alive and joyful!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wyman Meinzer_ Photographer

Here is a collection of well-shot frames by Wyman Meiner. I am sharing this pleasure knowing that a day will come when the land will undergo drastic transformation as callousness replaces respect for life.

Wyman Meinzer's West Texas from Wyman Meinzer on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Urgent Plead To Act

Getting back to basics is more than just a fad for today. The message "to be aware that no one can live alone and be sheltered from the impact of others' decisions and behaviour" is urgent. It requires serious attention. The usual dismissive response "Argh! More from the impractical dreamers", cannot be tolerated anymore. We who control resources and management must act with respect for the rights of beings that live on planet earth.

Thanks to this group of clear-eyed children who has the courage and talent to engage in deep conversation with powerful adults for this video.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting To The Heart Of The Matter

Getting into the heart of the question, 'What Is The Best Religion', is to get into the heart of the human being asking the question.

The wise one answers in this video.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remembering Steve Jobs

Thank you Steve Jobs for being who you are. 
I am one of the millions of people who have been empowered 
by what you and your team have contributed. 
My condolence to your family and to all who will miss you.
May you rest in peace and in eternal bliss.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Implications For The World As A Super-Power Arises

Thinking out of the box?
No thinking!
Bad thinking!
Keep thinking only inside the box!
Box-up the thinking ones!
Which position is the beneficial one?
Let's consider the options as the realities play themselves out while the rest of the world awakes gradually to the new configurations.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Computer Graphics Animations

Purely fantasy. Purely the creation of the imaginative persons. Purely the product of science technology with the visual arts. And a fresh art form is the pure product: computer graphics animation.

It is good for entertainment. It is excellent for education. It is great for career development. It makes money for businessmen. It is a worthwhile investment for venture capitalist. It is recreation for lively minds and restless hands. It amuses both the young and the grown kids. It is popular course studies for art and technology institutes. It is the in-thing for advertising. In fact it is the dream-stuff that dreams are built on for engaging research and development for everything under the universe.

Just dig in!