Thursday, August 27, 2015

Duty To Your Position Of Office: Managing The Nation's Resources

Decent citizens are gathering to ask
the ones they elected
to manage the nation's resources:

Why citizens need to remind the elected representatives:


First of all Bersih 4 is not about revolution or overthrowing the government.

It is about corruption, non-accountability, mismanagenent and removing the source
of corruption and curbing the abuse of power.

It is like the civil rights movement of the 1960s in America.

It is about social justice, clean and fair election and basic freedoms.

It is about good governance, accountability and responsibility of the government to the people.

It is never about revolution!

It is about the right of the people to voice their grivances and unhappiness to the ruling government
to listen and make the necessary changes and reforms.

Bersih 4 is a peaceful rally by the people for the people to the ruling government 
to make the necessary reforms for the benefit of the country.

It is not even a protest in the strictest sense of the word.

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