Monday, February 29, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Another Nature's Miracle

The Amazing Butterflies

How can they do what they do?

How do they do that right the first time?

Learning From The Natural World

The Natural World
Powerful Engineering Applications

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Learning From Observation

Learning from ...
seems to be a highly efficient means
of cross-platform enrichment of one's skillset.

From observing the movements of snakes, cranes, monkeys...came Shoalin.
From studying the movement of water and the forces of wind, heat and the terrain of the land (and other elements) in nature, came boats with sails, bridges of bamboo and ropes....

What new inventions; solutions; devices; cures; health practices can come from more intensive learning from observing nature?

Here are the wonders waiting to be mined:

Clever Tricks:
Mimicry In Plants And Animals

Friday, February 26, 2016

Learning From the History Of Warfare

There is an insight: the past has lessons for the future.

The future is today. What lessons can the military history of the Ninjas and the Shaolin monks teach the now generation?

Military History: 
Shaolin Monks And Ninja Shinobi

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Art Of War As Designed By A Chinese

Sun Tzu. Not just a name now.

Once a war strategist in China in ancient long ago, now a by-word in military circles. Quite surprisingly, Sun Tzu's thinking is in vogue even in business environment where business take-overs and cornering the markets, are perceived as strategy-intensive warfare manoeuvres.

This video examines some of Sun Tzu's thinking about warfare.

Strategy: Art Of War by Sun Tzu